(7th, 8th, and 10th December) Attended 2nd Southampton-Kyoto Workshop (online).
(7th December) Talk on ``Spotting infinite groups" at Southampton Lunchtime seminar.
(25th November) Talk on ``The unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture for certain \(S\)-arithmetic groups" at New Directions
in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories.
(8th November) Talk on ``The unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture for certain \(S\)-arithmetic groups" at BUGCAT.
(7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th November) Attended Binghampton University Graduate Conference in Algebra and Topology (BUGCAT) (online).
(5th August) Talk on ``The grandest induction" at the Southampton pure PGR seminar (online).
(18th July) Talk on ``On the unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture" at GOATS#3 (online).
(6th - 10th July) Attended Groups with Geometrical and Topological Flavours (online).
(12th June) GGSE Oxford/Zoom (online).
(1st - 5th June) Attended Virtual Geometric Group Theory conference at CIRM (online).
(25th - 19th May) Attended Workshop on Polyhedral Products in Geometric Group Theory at the Fields Institute (online).
(20th - 22nd May) Attended Spring Graduate School on Polyhedral Products in Geometric Group Theory (online).
(25th February) Lightning talk on ``Lattices in products of Lie groups and trees" at Young Geometric Group Theory IX.
(23rd - 28th February) Attended Young Geometric Group Theory IX in Saint-Jacut-de-la-mer.
(15th January) Presented poster on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups.
(15th - 17th January) Attended ``Interactions between Geometry, Dynamics and Group Theory" in Bristol.
(13th December) Attended GGSE Southampton.
(18th November) Talk on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian Groups and Non-Euclidean Crystallographic Groups" at Southampton lunchtime seminar.
(25th October) Talk on ``Trees, lattices and symmetric spaces" at USW Mathematical Sciences Seminar.
(22nd October) Talk on ``Vector bundles and \(K\)-theory" at Southampton Tuesday Evening Seminar.
(16th October) Talk on ``Trees, lattices and symmetric spaces" at the Southampton pure PGR seminar.
(24th September) Presented poster on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups.
(23rd - 27th September) Attended Pansu60.
(18th - 20th September) Presented poster on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups.
(18th - 20th September) Attended Southampton-Bielefeld Geometric Group Theory Meeting.