Sam Hughes
Recent Activities
- (25th November) Talk on ``Kähler manifolds, topological rigidity, and finite quotients of groups'' at MPIM Topology Seminar
- (5th November) Talk ``On finite quotients of discrete groups'' at BG-UToledo Geometry and Topology Seminar
- (4th November) Talk ``On finite quotients of discrete groups'' at Münster Oberseminar Topologie and Oberseminar Modelltheorie und Gruppen
- (21st October) Talk on ``Complements of smooth surfaces in simply connected 4-manifolds'' at Glasgow Geometry and Topology Seminar
- (25th June) Lightning talk on ``An advert for some results around the Farrell--Jones Conjecture" in Southampton
- (24th - 28th June) Attended The interplay of geometric group theory and K-theory, Southampton, UK
- (12th - 14th June) Attended Modern methods in infinite groups, Bristol, UK
- (22nd May) Talk on ``Finite quotients of Coxeter groups'' in Oxford Junior Topology and Group Theory Seminar
- (15th May) Talk on ``\(\ell^2\)-homology and Sigma invariants" in Bonn
- (13th - 17th May) Attended Homology growth in topology and group theory, MPIM Bonn, Germany
- (18th April) Talk on ``Complements of smooth surfaces in simply-connected 4-manifolds'' in K-OS
- (15th April) Talk on ``Embedded surfaces in simply connected 4-manifolds" in Manchester Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics Seminar
- (18th - 22th March) Attended Topological and homological group theory, Bielefeld, Germany
- (28th February) Talk on ``Embedded surfaces in simply connected 4-manifolds" in Oxford Kirby problem list reading group.
- (20th February) Talk on ``\(\ell^2\)-homology and BNSR invariants" at Rutgers New Brunswick Topology and Geometry Seminar (online).
- (14th February) Talk on ``Finite quotients and fibring with a view towards projective varieties" at Cambridge topology seminar.
- (30th January) Talk on ``\(\ell^2\)-homology and BNSR invariants" at Tufts Geometric Group Theory and Topology Seminar.
- (23rd January) Talk on ``Finite quotients of Coxeter groups" at Brandeis topology seminar.
- (7th December) Talk on ``Centralisers and classifying spaces for \(\mathrm{Out}(F_N)\)" at Warwick Geometry and Topology Online
- (8th November) Talk on ``Finite quotients of Coxeter groups".
- (7th - 10th November) Visited Herriot Watt in Edinburgh.
- (31st October) Talk on ``Centralisers and classifying spaces for \(\mathrm{Out}(F_N)\)".
- (30th October - 1st November) Visit to Bonn.
- (27th October) Talk on ``Finite quotients of Coxeter groups".
- (27th - 28th October) Attended Groups in Madrid.
- (2nd - 6th October) Attended ``Rigidity properties of free-by-cyclic groups" at AIM.
- (7th September) Talk on ``The Farrell–Jones Conjecture and group extensions".
- (6th - 8th September) Attended BTM2023 in Sheffield.
- (31st August) Talk on Dynamics and finite quotients of free-by-cyclic groups.
- (30th August - 1st September) Attended Coarse geometry and dynamics in Lyon.
- (22nd August) Talk on ``Finite quotients of generic free-by-cyclic groups''.
- (21st - 25th August) Attended Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras V in Memorial University Harlow.
- (20th July) Talk on ``Finite quotients of generic free-by-cyclic groups'' at Topometric Seminar Karlsruhe.
- (8th - 29th July) Visit to Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
- (4th July) Lightning talk on ``The virtually cyclic dimension of \(\mathrm{Out}(F_N)\) is finite''.
- (3rd - 7th July) Attended Group Actions and Low-Dimensional Topology in El Barco de Ávila, Spain.
- (29th June) Talk on ``Finite quotients of generic free-by-cyclic groups''.
- (19th - 30th June) Attended Cube Complexes and Combinatorial Geometry at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (8th June) Lightning talk on ``Torsion homology growth''.
- (5th - 16th June) Attended Groups Around 3-Manifolds at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (3rd June) Talk on ``Finite quotients of free-by-cyclic groups'' at GTiNY.
- (2nd - 4th June) Attended ``Geometric Topology in New York (GTiNY)'' at Columbia University.
- (15th - 20th May) TA for minicourse on \(\ell^2\)-Betti numbers.
- (15th - 26th May) Attended Geometry of Subgroups at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (24th April - 5th May) Attended Orderable Groups at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (3rd - 6th April) Attended Huge Groups at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (28th March) Talk on ``CAT(0) groups and spaces'' at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (5th - 17th March) Attended Measured Group Theory at Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (4th March - 1st July) Visit to Centre de Recherches Mathématiques in Montréal.
- (13th February) Talk on ``Distinguishing free-by-cyclic groups by their finite quotient groups'' at YGGT XI.
- (13th - 17th February) Attended Young Geometric Group Theory XI at Münster.
- (7th February) Talk on ``Algebraic fibring and finite quotients'' at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
- (30th January) Talk on ``Algebraic fibring and finite quotients'' at Wrocław.
- (29th January - 4th February) Visit to Wrocław.
- (14th November) Talk on ``Profinite rigidity of fibring'' at Southampton Monday Lunchtime Seminar.
- (10th November) Talk on ``Torsion homology growth and related topics'' at AATRN Topological Complexity Seminar.
- (2nd November) Talk on ``Profinite rigidity of fibring'' at Aberdeen Algebra Seminar.
- (3rd October) Talk on ``Fibring groups and profinite rigidity'' at Strasbourg GT3 Seminar.
- (26th - 30th September) Attended ``Workshop on Complex Geometry and Geometric Group Theory'' at KIT.
- (19th September) Talk on ``Some non-virtually torsion-free lattices in products of trees and right-angled buildings'' at PBRG.
- (19th - 22nd September) Attended ``Polygons, Buildings and Related Geometries'' at Ghent.
- (14th - 16th September) Attended ``New Trends around Profinite Groups 2022'' at Varese.
- (5th September) Talk on ``Regularity of quasi-geodesics characterises hyperbolicity'' at MAGGT.
- (5th - 9th September) Attended ``Modern advances in geometric group theory'' at Manchester.
- (11th - 22nd July) Attended ``MSRI Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis Summer School'' at Oxford.
- (26th June - 1st July) Attended ``Burger's prime'' at ETH Zürich.
- (20th - 24th June) Attended ``Hyperbolic groups and their generalisations" at IHP Paris.
- (4th June) Talk on ``Profinite completions and fibring" at CMS Summer Meeting (Memorial University).
- (3rd - 6th June) Attended ``CMS Summer Meeting" (Memorial University).
- (2nd June) Talk on ``Hierarchical hyperbolicity vs biautomaticity" at Groups,
Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras IV (Memorial University).
- (1st - 2nd June) Attended ``Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras IV'' (Memorial University).
- (1st - 12th June) Visit to Memorial University in St. Johns, Newfoundland.
- (24th May) Talk on ``Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle'' at Karlsruhe - Heidelberg RTG seminar.
- (16th - 20th May) Attended ``Arithmetic Groups and 3-Manifolds'' at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Bonn.
- (11th May) Talk on ``Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle" at Soko22.
- (11th - 12th May) Attended Southampton-Kortrijk Groups and Geometry Meeting 2022.
- (9th - 12th May) Visit to Université Catholique de Louvain.
- (26th April) Lightning talk on ``Geometry versus biautomaticity".
- (25th - 29th April) Attended ``Mapping class groups and \(\mathrm{Out}(F_n)\) at IHP Paris.
- (18th - 29th April) Visit to ``Groups Acting on Fractals, Hyperbolicity and Self-similarity Thematic Trimester"
at Institut Henri Poincaré.
- (14th April) Talk on ``Fibring groups and manifolds over the circle" at BTM35.
- (11th - 14th April) Attended ``35th British Topology Meeting" in Durham.
- (28th March) Talk on ``Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle" at THMGT22".
- (28th March - 1st April) Attended ``Topological and homological methods in group theory 2022" in Bielefeld.
- (21st March) Talk on ``Hierarchical hyperbolicity versus biautomaticity" at Southampton Monday Lunchtime Seminar.
- (18th March) Talk on ``Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle" at Southampton pure mathematics colloquium.
- (15th March) Talk on ``Hierarchical hyperbolicity versus biautomaticity" at Bristol Geometry and Topology Seminar.
- (10th March) Talk on ``Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle" at Warwick's Geometry and Topology Online seminar.
- (22nd - 25th February) Attended ``workshop on finiteness properties" in Karlsruhe.
- (31st January) Talk on ``Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle" at UCLouvain.
- (10th December) Attended GGSE Southampton/Zoom (online).
- (9th November) Talk on ``Invariants of quasi-isometries of pairs" at CUNY G&T Seminar.
- (22nd October) Attended GGSE UCL/Zoom (online).
- (21st October) Talk on ``Fibring lattices in products with Euclidean spaces" at Long-distance seminar on Geometric Group
Theory in Mexico.
- (11th October) Talk on ``Leary--Minasyan groups and their generalisations" at Oxford Topology Seminar.
- (15th - 17th September) Attended Advances in Homotopy Theory (Southampton/online).
- (13th - 17th September) Attended New Trends around Profinite Groups (online).
- (13th - 14th September) Attended CLAM K-theory workshop (online).
- (26th - 30th July) Attended Young Geometric Group Theory X (Newcastle/Online).
- (5th - 9th July) Attended Charneyfest 2021.
- (30th June) Talk on ``Groups quasi-isometric to right-angled Artin groups" at Beyond Hyperbolicity.
- (28th June - 2nd July) Attended Beyond Hyperbolicity.
- (22nd June) Lightning talk on ``Groups quasi-isometric to right-angled Artin groups" at CMI-HIMR Dynamics and Geometry Online
Summer School.
- (21st June - 2nd July) Attended CMI-HIMR Dynamics and Geometry Online Summer School.
- (18th June) Talk on ``When does a spin manifold admit a metric of positive scalar curvature?" at TopFlavours21.
- (17th - 18th June) Attended TopFlavours21.
- (7th - 11th June) Attended GAGTA2021.
- (11th May) Talk on ``\(C^\ast\)-algebras and lattices in non-positive curvature" at Great Plains Operator Algebra Symposium.
- (10th - 14th May) Attended Great Plains Operator Algebra Symposium.
- (10th May) Talk on ``Lattices in non-positive curvature" at Warwick DAGGER Seminar.
- (6th May) Talk on ``Lattices in non-positive curvature" at Oxford Junior Geometry and Topology Seminar.
- (12th April) Talk on ``The Unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg Conjecture" at Southampton Topology Seminar.
- (6th - 9th April) Presented poster on ``Graphs and complexes of lattices" at BMC-BAMC 2021 Glasgow.
- (6th - 9th April) Attended BMC-BAMC 2021 Glasgow
- (26th March) Attended GGSE Warwick/Zoom (online).
- (4th March) Talk on ``Lattices in non-positive curvature" at ETH Zurich Junior Geometry Seminar.
- (3rd March) Talk on ``Isometry groups of \(\mathrm{CAT}(0)\) spaces" at Southampton PGR Seminar (online edition).
- (16th February) Talk on ``Lattices in non-positive curvature" at Junior London Algebra Colloquium.
- (11th - 15th January) Hosted PGTC 2020 Southampton (online).
- (11th December) Attended GGSE Southampton/Zoom (online).
- (7th, 8th, and 10th December) Attended 2nd Southampton-Kyoto Workshop (online).
- (7th December) Talk on ``Spotting infinite groups" at Southampton Lunchtime seminar.
- (25th November) Talk on ``The unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture for certain \(S\)-arithmetic groups" at New Directions
in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories.
- (8th November) Talk on ``The unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture for certain \(S\)-arithmetic groups" at BUGCAT.
- (7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th November) Attended Binghampton University Graduate Conference in Algebra and Topology (BUGCAT) (online).
- (5th August) Talk on ``The grandest induction" at the Southampton pure PGR seminar (online).
- (18th July) Talk on ``On the unstable Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture" at GOATS#3 (online).
- (6th - 10th July) Attended Groups with Geometrical and Topological Flavours (online).
- (12th June) GGSE Oxford/Zoom (online).
- (1st - 5th June) Attended Virtual Geometric Group Theory conference at CIRM (online).
- (25th - 19th May) Attended Workshop on Polyhedral Products in Geometric Group Theory at the Fields Institute (online).
- (20th - 22nd May) Attended Spring Graduate School on Polyhedral Products in Geometric Group Theory (online).
- (25th February) Lightning talk on ``Lattices in products of Lie groups and trees" at Young Geometric Group Theory IX.
- (23rd - 28th February) Attended Young Geometric Group Theory IX in Saint-Jacut-de-la-mer.
- (15th January) Presented poster on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups.
- (15th - 17th January) Attended ``Interactions between Geometry, Dynamics and Group Theory" in Bristol.
- (13th December) Attended GGSE Southampton.
- (18th November) Talk on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian Groups and Non-Euclidean Crystallographic Groups" at Southampton lunchtime seminar.
- (25th October) Talk on ``Trees, lattices and symmetric spaces" at USW Mathematical Sciences Seminar.
- (22nd October) Talk on ``Vector bundles and \(K\)-theory" at Southampton Tuesday Evening Seminar.
- (16th October) Talk on ``Trees, lattices and symmetric spaces" at the Southampton pure PGR seminar.
- (24th September) Presented poster on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups.
- (23rd - 27th September) Attended Pansu60.
- (18th - 20th September) Presented poster on ``Cohomology of Fuchsian and non-Euclidean crystallographic groups.
- (18th - 20th September) Attended Southampton-Bielefeld Geometric Group Theory Meeting.
- (10th - 11th September) Attended Southampton-Kyoto Workshop.
- (24th July) Talk on ``The cohomology of cocompact Fuchsian groups" at PGTC2019.
- (22nd - 26th July) Attended postgraduate group theory conference 2019 (PGTC2019).
- (8th - 12th July) Attended Arbeitstangung 2019 on geometry at MPIM Bonn.
- (2nd July) Lightning talk on ``Generalisations of Baumslag-Solitar groups" at Young Geometric Group Theory VIII.
- (30th June - 5th July) Attended Young Geometric Group Theory VIII in Bilbao.
- (26th June) Attended Functor categories for groups meeting at Cambridge.
- (6th June) Lightning talk on "Cohomology of Fuchsian groups" at Early Career Topology Researchers 2019.
- (6th - 7th June) Attended Early Career Topology Researchers 2019 (ECTR2019) in Sheffield.
- (7th May) Talk on ``Fuchsian groups and the geometry of surfaces'' at Bristol Junior Geometry Seminar (BRIJGES).
- (1st May) Talk on ``Fuchsian groups and the geometry of surfaces'' at the Southampton pure PGR seminar.
- (17th April) Attended British Young Mathematics Colloquium 2019 (BYMC2019).
- (1st March) Attended GGSE Warwick.
- (27th February) Attended 17th meeting of The Triangle.
- (6th February) Talk on ``Non-Hopfian groups and their geometries" at the Southampton pure PGR seminar.
- (11th January) Attended Geometric Group Theory at Royal Holloway.
- (17th - 19th December) Attended Geometric Group Theory at Infinity in Bielefeld.
- (30th November) Attended GGSE Southampton.
- (19th November) Talk on ``The Character Table of a Sharply \(5\)-Transitive Subgroup of \(\mathrm{Alt}(12)\)" at Southampton
lunchtime seminar.
- (18th - 19th September) Attended the CGTA Inaugural Event at Southampton.
- (22nd May) Talk on ``The Character Table of a Sharply \(5\)-Transitive Subgroup of \(\mathrm{Alt}(12)\)" at Gregynog 2018.
- (21st - 23rd May) Attended Gregynog 2018.
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