Area of specialisation: Group theory and its connections with low dimensional and algebraic topology.
Education: Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, UK. 2018–2021.
Advisor: Professor Ian J. Leary.
- Baer Prize 2022 (special mention).
- BMC–BAMC 2021 poster prize (winner).
- University of South Wales MMATH project prize (winner).
- Humboldt fellow - October 2024 to September 2026.
Mathematisches Institut, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Bonn, Germany.
- Postdoctoral research associate - October 2021 to September 2024.
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford; Oxford, UK.
- Postgraduate demonstrator - September 2018 to July 2021.
School of Mathematics, University of Southampton; Southampton, UK.
- Tutorial assistant - June 2017 to December 2017.
School of Computing and Mathematics, University of South Wales; Pontypridd, UK.
- Humboldt fellowship.
- Heilbronn small grant.
- CMI Hot-Topics small working groups grant.
- LMS Scheme 4 Research in Pairs grant.
- EPSRC PhD Studentship.
- Groups and Geometry in North Rhine-Westphalia I: Bonn.
- Modern Methods in Infinite Groups. Received funding from LMS and Heilbronn.
- Profinite and residual methods in geometric group theory as part of Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology 2023.
- North meets South Colloquium (Oxford Hillary term 2021/22).
- Postgraduate Group Theory Conference 2020 (rescheduled online to January 2021 due to coronavirus).
Received funding from the London Mathematical Society, MAGIC consortium, and Heilbronn.
- Maths & Mingle seminar (Southampton January 2019 to August 2020)
Editorial work
- Assistant editor at Chalkdust magazine
- Oxford Mountaineering Journal 2023
Student Supervision
Oxford Part C Students '23/24: John Duale, James Goddard, Owen Fung
Oxford OMMS Students '23/24: Osman Safa - OMMS project prize winner
Oxford MFoCS students '23/24: Owain Williams
Oxford Summer project students '24: Benjamin Chung, Li Gu, Pedro Lack, Ania Savage
List of courses
University of Oxford
I have developed the following course:
- Profinite methods in geometric group theory (2023/24)
I tutored the following courses:
- Algebraic topology (2021/22)
- Computational algebraic topology (2021/22)
- Homological algebra (2022/23)
- Infinite groups (2022/23)
University of Southampton
I tutored the following course:
- Engineering mathematics (2020/21)
I marked the following courses:
- Calculus
- Linear algebra I and II
- Group theory
I also worked on the University of Southampton STACK project, a mathematics e-assessment package to assist learning during the coronavirus lockdowns.
University of South Wales
I was a tutorial assistant for:
I also produced a user guide to CoCalc (a cloud based data science toolbox) focusing on the LaTeX and Octave interfaces for the undergraduate mathematics students at the University of South Wales.
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